Tuesday, September 20, 2011


The internet here has been completely out since Saturday, so I have so much blogging to catch up on! From Friday through Monday so much has happened here in little Ambialet, but not really. Friday was Monica's birthday so Hil, Marie, and I made cakes and pies, so much fun! After dinner we went down to the cafe to celebrate, but it was closed so we walked through town to the bar. We had so much fun just chilling, talking, and drinking (Hillary and I stuck with water, we were not climbing back up the mountain, in the dark, with alcohol in our system. Not a good idea.). Laura, Hil, and I went back up around 11 before everyone else. We had a super bright attack light Laura's pap gave her though so we were perfectly safe. We were still in town, behind the houses heading toward the path to the castle when dogs started barking and running toward us. Laura completely forgot our attack flash light, turned it off and ran full force up the hill in front of us leaving Hil and I to chase frantically after her. Once we reached the top of the hill we learned the dogs were fenced in and we all simultaneously collapsed on the ground from  laughing so hard. We made it the rest of the up safe and sound. Saturday morning, as a group we had to literally build two bridges on a trail for a guided tour that went on Sunday. I smashed my index finger on the first rock I picked up that morning. The first rock of like 3 million that we had to find, pick up, carry, and strategically place across a river. Marie said it is going to fall off, my nail not my finger, so upsetting. But the bridges turned out well! Sunday after Church we went down to Nadine's Cafe to study. It was freezing outside, so we got hot chocolate while we studied and she helped us with numbers and our pronunciation, she is so sweet. We had movie night after dinner. We watched a French movie that Marie brought, "Amelia." It was really good! Yesterday we just had classes and relaxed most of the day away. I missed the internet.

The picture is of the second bridge we built.

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