Monday, September 12, 2011

Another day in Ambialet.

Today went by so fast!! This morning was our first french class and it was so much fun! I feel like i really learned a lot already. After class Hillary and I went for a run down to the village and then hiked back up to the castle through the path in the mountain. By the time we got back it was about time for lunch. We had this seafood rice dish with clams, mushroom, shrimp, and octopus! It was way different from anything I have every had, but it was really good none the less. After our art class we all went on a hike up to the local chateau ruins. It was such a long, hard hike but the view from the top where the chateau was is amazing! It took us about two hours but it was well worth. Can't wait to see what's in store for tomorrow!

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