Thursday, September 15, 2011

Brousse village and chateau!

Yesterday we visited a local Chateau in the village of Brousse. It wasn't at all what I had been expecting. When I was told "castle" I just immediately thought Kings and Queens, royal ball rooms, elaborate bed chambers, the works. I was imagining a fairy tale princess castle. When we reached the village it was not that at all, rather it was a small, lovey, French style village, with a chateau in the center. The village was so quaint and old, but I absolutely adored it! The chateau was more of a fort and was not in its prime condition. When we entered I thought we would be going into the inside, but it was basically just a big courtyard surrounded by walls. We could walk around into the rooms but it was nothing at all like I had imagined, not that that had made it any less exciting. The purpose of the chateau was more for protection than it was for luxury. It added so much history to the village, and I was amazed that people still lived in the same old houses that had been built right up against the chateau walls.

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